The truth about finding yourself

You need to uncover yourself. And here's how to do it.

A lot of us have felt lost at one point or another. And when we feel this way, we end up seeking outside of ourselves. We look for enlightenment from our travels, the feeling of direction with the perfect career, and a sense of belonging with the ideal partner.

We try to figure out our path, hoping that we'll meet ourselves at the end of it. But what we're looking for isn't outside of ourselves, it's buried deep within us. So really, the quest to find ourselves isn't a linear path — it's a creative uncovering.

"Productivity is how you run away from yourself. Creativity is how you become yourself."

- Brianna Wiest

I love this quote. For years I chased goal after goal. I focused on milestones and the path I was on. But in all that hustle and rushing, I lost myself.

It was only when I slowed down and rediscovered my creativity that I began to find myself. It's easy to feel lost when you're always consuming. Consuming requires us to look outside, which is what I spent most of my time doing. But creativity forces us to look inside.

I know what you're going to say: "I'm not creative". I've heard that many times before. You mistakenly believe that creativity is limited to artistic pursuits or musical abilities. But this could not be further from the truth.

As a child, my head was always in a sketchbook. This, of course, lend itself to the stereotypical image of creativity. But it wasn't about the sketches on the page or the pencils in my hand. It was me: I was curious. My eyes were wide open to the world and I was interpreting my own thoughts and feelings.

As I grew older, I stopped being creative. Not because I quit drawing, but because society's values and beliefs took a tighter hold on me. They crushed my creative spark and hid the true me under layers that weren't my own.

An unfinished sketch of mine from earlier this week

Creativity is more than art, music, literature or innovation. It's about reflection and possibility.

It’s our ability to tap into our ‘inner’ pool of resources – knowledge, insight, information, inspiration and all the fragments populating our minds – that we’ve accumulated over the years just by being present and alive and awake to the world and to combine them in extraordinary new ways.”

— Maria Popova

Creativity is self-exploration. It's unapologetic and open-minded. It's soft reflection and a wild rebellion against society's norm.

It's choosing what interests you, instead of doing what everyone else is doing. It's realising who you love, instead of being told who to love. It's following your own instincts, instead of being led by the well-intentioned advice of others.

I'm convinced that creativity is within every one of us. We can all come up with interesting ideas, sift through our emotions, and form our own thoughts. We can all dream, decipher, and unravel.

And as you do these things, you'll expose the layers that have kept you hidden. With every sentiment you share, with every interest you form, with every conviction you stand by: you'll find yourself every time you get lost in you.

And when you do this, you'll realise you were never truly lost to begin with.

💭Made you think

An overthinker's delight

Notes on How to Love — if you want to deepen your relationships, check out this book summary. I especially like the last idea: love is not a distraction from your aspirations.

Today's sponsor, Scrintal — At one point, I wanted to organise my entire life on Notion. I thought it would make me feel less overwhelmed, but I couldn't keep up with it. Our brains don't work in folders. And when I embraced that, using networked note-taking tools like Scrintal, I found more clarity.

🎬 Thought behind the video

My life is no longer on a dream board - I've always loved the idea of vision boards but when I stopped using them, my current life began to feel more like my dream life.

It means a lot to me that I can share my thoughts with you every week. I can't thank you enough for being here
