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- Balancing your feminine and masculine energies
Balancing your feminine and masculine energies
Masculine energy is focused on doing and feminine energy is focused on being. Most of us have lost the balance in society's pressures.
Lately, I've been wanting to do nothing. I've had no motivation to get any work done, to meet up with anyone, or to go anywhere. I've lost my "fight". I realised it was a side-effect of burnout, among other things, so instead of pushing these feelings away, I've leaned into them. And in the process, I've unlocked a hidden source of energy: my feminine energy.

I've always prioritised action. I've always chosen doing over being. Whenever I saw Nike's slogan "Just do it", I took pride in knowing I was the type of person to do whatever "it" was. But a few weeks ago, I came across the concept of masculine and feminine energy. I realised I'd been revelling in my masculine for far too long.
Within us all is an equilibrium of masculine and feminine energy, unrelated to our gender identity. These binaries are interconnected, like yin and yang or the sun and the moon. They exist on a spectrum, and we move between them. The problem is that society favours and rewards masculine energy: drive, ambition, success, and action.
We're all on an endless pursuit that commands our masculine energy. We feel productive, like we're worth something to society. Our feminine and masculine energies are in a constant tug of war, and the feminine side is the first to fall.
As the feminine falls, we become wounded:
We attach our worth to success
We're easily triggered
We're more defensive
We become overly critical of ourselves and others
We struggle with self-image
We're constantly looking for external validation
We lack boundaries
We struggle with connection

Our lives move forward when we lean into action, productivity, and purpose. That's why we get bogged down in our goals, to-do lists, and routines. But we also need to ground ourselves in the present moment and connect with ourselves. Otherwise, yes, we may be moving forward in life, but we don't flow through it with a sense of ease. Our progress is strained and laboured.
My coffee mug has a phrase printed on it: "Be aggressive". That's been my motto for so long. I believed that I had to battle against what the world expected of me. I always thought I had to use my strength to soar through life. What I didn't realise was that fluidity, softness, and compassion made the journey more graceful. I didn't need to fight to be. I could simply be.

Michelle Montague
Our feminine energy needs channels to flow alongside its counterpart, the masculine energy. Like the sun and the moon, they co-exist with equal importance. Both providing a setting of beauty and purpose. Both letting each other take the limelight. They find their rhythm, moving across the sky. A dance, rather than a fight.
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