Be a best friend

A letter to warm your soul ☕️

My husband has a childhood best friend called Andy. Over recent years, Andy has put on a fair bit of weight which, at first, wasn't much of a concern. My husband and I aren't usually ones to comment on other people's weight, but we recently met someone in their 40s who had a heart attack, a result of their unhealthy lifestyle. They were told by their cardiologist that if they didn't change their lifestyle, they would die prematurely.

We both immediately thought of Andy. His weight gain has been the result of an unhealthy lifestyle which sees him consume 6000 calories a day and engage in other unhealthy habits.

Andy can be quite stubborn at times, so my husband decided to speak to Andy's father about his concerns first. This was just before our wedding. Andy found out, and he wasn't thrilled. I thought to myself, "what awful timing", given that Andy was playing such a crucial role in our wedding.

Andy made a speech on our wedding day. He started it off by telling our guests that my husband went to his Dad with his weight concerns and how it upset him. But then he shared the advice his Dad had given to him from a young age, which he remembered when my husband spoke out about his weight: "a good friend will tell you what you want to hear, a best friend will tell you what you don't want to hear".

I've been reflecting on my own friendships lately. As you may know I've struggled with friendships, and I'm currently mourning another friendship break up (because yes, that is a thing). Truthfully, I had normalised a long time ago that friendships don't always last but losing someone who I thought would always be in my life has been jarring. I've been trying to come to terms with it and reflect on what happened because from the outside, the friendship looked strong and unbreakable, and yet, it ended so suddenly.

Andy's father's wisdom is something that I've been playing in my head over and over again. It made me realise that, whilst my friendship was strong in many ways- we could effortlessly speak on the phone for 5 hours, we validated each other's feelings, we supported each other's dreams- we never actually told each other what we didn't want to hear. We've both gone through our own insecurities and struggles with friendships that we ended up tip toeing around each other and trying to constantly please each other. We avoided talking about the elephant in the room. If I did something wrong, my friend wouldn't call me out on it. If she did something wrong, I was too scared to say anything, and glossed over it or avoided it altogether. We acted like best friends sure, but we failed on really being best friends. And so, whilst on the surface everything looked great, the friendship had cracks in its foundations which ultimately crumbled.

Understanding this hasn't made it any easier, but it is giving me closure.

I'm taking comfort in the fact that I have changed in many ways since I first formed this friendship. I now establish healthier boundaries with people in my life. I'm more confident with saying no. I'm more comfortable with expressing what I deserve and what's right and wrong. I have a better sense of self-worth. I'm less of a people pleaser. With the accumulation of these changes, I'm hopeful my current and future friendships will strengthen.

I'm hoping these changes will give me the confidence to tell my friends what they don't want to hear so that I can be a best friend.



Words of the week

"The closer you want to get to me, the better your values have to be."

- Naval Ravikant

Videos of the week

"I have no friends"- it's a trend and worse than you thinkI recently made the video "18 years old- I have no friends". I'd love to say it was an original vid...

I feel like most people in their 20s are finding themselves by going travelling, but maybe that's just the story social media is selling us. Maybe we aren't ...

This channel has just turned 1 years old 🎉 😱 I want to be real with you- we often get told that with hard work and consistency comes success, but that's no...

Updates of the week

  • I created a website - I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the internet where I share my videos, art and articles. I'm hoping to add more to it, but right now I'm really happy with it.

  • I'm currently reading The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness by Eric Jorgenson. I only discovered the wisdom of Naval last year when I joined Twitter, and I really admire and enjoy his way of thinking. I've stopped enjoying self-improvement books as much as I used to and as a result I've been reading a lot less than I used to, but this book has helped to kickstart one of my favourite habits again.

  • I finished watching Ted Lasso season 2 yesterday. I won't share spoilers but at first I hated the ending, but after seeing this twitter thread I completely changed my mind.

  • After 1 year on YouTube, I'm now monetised! I feel incredibly grateful that I've reached this milestone.

  • Getting back into art has been harder than I thought it would be. I'm struggling with where I am now versus where I used to be when I was younger in terms of skillset. I feel I should be so much better than I am. I want to be able to share my "bad" art as well as my "good" art online, but I'm finding it hard to overcome perfectionism with this. I'll hopefully get there!

  • As you may have noticed, I've been pretty inconsistent with this newsletter. I realised that I get bombarded with so many emails and so much social media content that it gets overwhelming, so I've decided to write newsletters only if I have something to say. Your time is valuable- I don't want to take it from you for the sake of consistency. I also thought it would be nice to share updates when I do write. I hope you're all doing well and thank you for being here.