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- 2022 reflections
2022 reflections
A public reflection of 2022 and looking ahead at 2023
Hey you,
I wasn't sure whether to share my 2022 reflections online. Whenever I make the time to look back, it feels so personal, like meeting an old friend over a warm cup of tea. But the thing is, lately I've had so many people say to me, "things are going really well for you right now". I'm so grateful people think that way, but it's only when we open the blinds that we can see the hues of grass on the other side. We're all on our own path but it's so easy to compare what we're doing when you only see what's on the surface. So while my journey is singular, I hope something here is beneficial for yours.
And as always, I encourage you to make time for your own introspection. Here's a template if you need one.

Highs of 2022
Climbing Ben Nevis
I never imagined I’d climb the highest peak in the UK. I'm a complete homebody and I've never seen myself as the adventurous type. Thankfully 2 of my closest friends are. They compelled me to go on this amazing adventure. We began the climb in warm sunshine and reached the peak in deep snow. I still can't believe we made it up there and I'll keep the memories of this hike with me for the rest of my life.

A new career path
I left dentistry in April and joined a creator economy start up. For a while now my dream has been to work from home. I'm still in disbelief that I get to do it. I get to do things I genuinely enjoy for a living, like writing, talking to creators, running workshops, designing visuals, and editing. Two years ago I didn't know how a career change would be possible. I felt stuck and even though I was actively trying new things, I couldn't envision where it would lead me. My career and work life is by no means perfect - the amount of money I earn per hour is significantly less than before. But I'm grateful that serendipity touched my life and showed me what's possible. I have such fond memories of meeting the team in Berlin, going on a work trip to Majorca, and running my first workshop for creators.

YouTube and this community
I remember when I first started making YouTube videos. I started off with skincare videos but moved towards deeper topics that meant more to me. Back then, someone told me I might struggle to grow. They said people are only after content that helps them with wealth, fitness, and productivity, and that more intentional content wouldn't gain any traction. It was a comment that made me feel empty.
This year I created 31 videos and my channel grew from 4000 subscribers to 31,000 subscribers. I try not to focus on the metrics but I'm glad the numbers have proved that person wrong. I feel like I've found my community.

Any moment with my husband, family, and friends
You know I avoid getting too personal online, but I measure most of my highs by time spent with my loved ones. From playing board games, a trip to Italy for my 1st wedding anniversary, to our first year with Rolo (the family dog), there's been small and big moments to treasure.

2022 challenges
Professionally, everything looked great. A new career path, my growth online, working from home - if my younger self was looking at me, she'd look on with envy. The problem is these things came at a cost.
This was the first year where I tried to manage YouTube alongside a full-time job and I struggled. A lot. I made less time for my family, friends, yoga, going outside, and me time. It sucks because as much as I love my job, I don't want my career to be the focal point of my life. When we set our own goals and ambitions around the things we love, it's much easier to let that dream eclipse our needs. I think most of the people who struggle with burnout are the ones actively trying to improve their lives. They're the ones following their joy and curiosity. The problem is they forget to lift their head up for some air.
2022 was also an uncertain year for my husband and I from day one. We had planned to move abroad for a year or settle down in a home together. Neither happened. I don't want to go into the nitty gritty details because I like to maintain boundaries both online and offline, but we faced significant obstacles that kept us from finding our feet. As an overplanner, it's been difficult for me. I like to know where I am and what I'm doing. But I think uncertainty is a part of life. I came across the word "pronoia" last week and it's a word that touched my soul. It's the opposite of paranoia. It's the belief that the universe is conspiring to help you. And it's the word I'm using to bring the year to a close.

Biggest lessons of the year
🚪 Whenever you say yes to something, you're saying no to something else. Every decision we make, including how we spend our time, is a sacrifice of something else we could be doing.
🌱 It's ok to outgrow the life you thought you wanted.
🪜 Success isn't climbing the ladder, it's realising you don't need a ladder. I’m still figuring this out but success to me is no longer the figures in my salary, the number of zeros in my subscriber count, or what my job title is. It's how my day looks, how creative I feel, and how much time I get with my loved ones.
💭 We overcomplicate things by trying to think of everything at once.
✨ We try too hard with the things we don't believe could be ours.
Favourites of the year
Favourite YouTube Video I created: 3 beliefs that are ruining your 20s
Favourite fiction book: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Favourite non-fiction book: 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think (the only non-fiction book I read this year and I've not read every essay yet)
Favourite movie: Elvis. I didn't know much about Elvis before watching this movie. I honestly can't recommend it enough.
Favourite board game: Chameleon. We played this at a board game café and ended up buying it because it was so much fun.
Favourite tool: Matter. I read a lot of newsletters and articles but I hate overflowing inboxes and multiple tabs being open. This app has helped me to avoid getting overwhelmed when I consume.
What's next for 2023?
I've not set many goals for the year. Instead I want to focus more on what my day looks like:
☁️ I want to spend more time outside. This will probably mean going for a short walk in the morning or after lunch.
✍🏼 I want to continue making YouTube videos but I also want to write more. Most people probably don't notice, but I spend a lot of time writing before I even film a YouTube video. That's how I explore my thoughts and ideas, and I love doing it. I plan to write for 90 minutes every morning in the new year (I've already started doing this). I'll be pouring my writing into this newsletter, articles on my website (which I'm current redesigning), and more videos.
⏰ I'm going to be really strict with myself: no work or YouTube-related tasks after 6pm or on the weekends. I know a good work-life balance is difficult, if not impossible, so if I could only choose one, I'd rather be skewed towards life. If I don't think I can keep this boundary, I might have to rethink my work situation.
🧘🏽♀️ I want to get back to a daily yoga practice which I completely neglected in the latter half of this year.
In terms of this cosy corner of the internet we've built, here's what you can expect from me:
weekly YouTube videos
more letters like this every week
sparks on inspiration on my new website - I can't wait for you to see it.
This is just what I think, but I'd love to hear from you. I want to know how I can help you in 2023 so I'd really appreciate it if you could fill this survey out so I can get to know you better. It shouldn't take long and there's a little surprise at the end!

💭Made you think

✨ An overthinker's delight
How to feel like you have enough - feeling behind is often the result of a scarcity mindset. This guide offers actionable steps to find abundance, like practising luxuries in your daily routine.
🎬 Thought behind the video
Making friends in your 20s, dating, and feeling lost - grab a hot drink and let's sit down for a cosy chat.

If you do fill this survey out, thank you so much! I really hope I can bring you value and comfort, and I'm so grateful to be a small speck in your journey.
I hope you've all been enjoying the holidays and I wish you a happy new year filled with success, good health, love, and an abundance of joy.
See you all in 2023!

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